Understanding Werner Erhard’s Concept of Being a Clearing

Werner Erhard’s notion of “being a clearing” originates from his transformation teachings, drawing from philosophical ideas like those of Martin Heidegger. In Erhard’s view, being a clearing means creating an open space in one’s consciousness where new possibilities can emerge. This concept is integral to self-awareness, encouraging individuals to clear away personal barriers and inauthenticities to live more freely. It’s about letting life unfold without ego interference, creating a transformative experience.

Key Aspects of “Being a Clearing”

  1. Openness and Authenticity: Erhard emphasizes clearing mental and emotional barriers, allowing individuals to live in alignment with their authentic selves​.
  2. Transformation and Freedom: By clearing these blockages, people experience breakthroughs in their personal and professional lives, opening the way for new possibilities​.
  3. Living in the Now: The idea of clearing ties closely to being present and embracing the “now” as a place of transformation​.
  4. Responsibility for Experience: Erhard teaches that we are responsible for creating our own experiences by opening ourselves to what manifests​.


  1. What does “being a clearing” mean? It refers to creating an open mental and emotional space where new possibilities can emerge without interference from past experiences or ego.
  2. How does “being a clearing” relate to transformation? It clears internal blockages, allowing personal breakthroughs and enabling transformation in both personal and professional life.
  3. What is the connection between Werner Erhard and Heidegger’s philosophy? Erhard’s ideas, particularly about openness and clearing, are inspired by Heidegger’s philosophy of “Being” and nothingness.
  4. How can one practice “being a clearing”? By consciously setting aside ego and inauthentic thoughts, one can create space for clarity, openness, and new opportunities.
  5. What is the role of responsibility in “being a clearing”? Erhard teaches that individuals must take responsibility for their experiences by being open to what life presents in the clearing of their consciousness.